Category Archives: 2019 Valentine

Freddy Krueger Cupid

To Freddy: “Thank you for being Freddy, everyday.” To Mr Englund: “Thanks for trying so [...]


Happy Valentine’s day !!!!!!!!!

You Make My Nightmares Come True

Got inspiration for this from my girlfriend who is a huge Freddy fan. The secret [...]

Be my “Bloody” valentine

I love you Freddy comeback to the big screen

February is cold you’re not here

Thank you for the contest, I love Freddy from the very beginning, happy to honor [...]

Robert Englund

Hey Freddy, you sexy boy. Can’t wait to see you in my dreams after this [...]

Jason Mallory

This is Valentines Day Happy Valentine’s Day


You sexy beast..

Baby you make all of my nightmare’s come true

Got inspiration for this from my girlfriend who is a huge Freddy fan.

You’re the one of my dreams

I’m attaching a jpg of the artwork, but if you’d like a hi-rez version, just [...]